CowBots Inc

Today for the Blog you’re with Shayla Thompson.  6/16/14

Marketing and media are working on the bulk tank and the blog. The researchers are working on the milking station for the field. The inventory specialist is working on the stalls. The accountant is working on the stalls and the graphs. Programmers are working with the builders. The builders are working with the programmers and working on the stalls. The CFO is working on letters for parents, commercial and sitting arrangement for our presentation on Monday. The CEO is supervising. J 
We had visitors from Carthage come in to see what we are working on and to see if they are going to consider doing STEM at their school. We had Dr. Carrel come in to see what we are working on. He came from Clarkson.                                                             

Greeting our Guests

Hello there, Raven again here with my FIRST BLOG! Chrystalynn is working on a commercial idea. Dylan is working on his Weekly Report, also Cody is working on the mission mat. Desiray and Shayla are working on the cows for the field. Ashley and Matthew are finalizing the 3rd task for the robot. Shannan and "T" are CEO/CFO of Cowbots Inc, and are supervising. Secora is working on the weekly report too.

The corporation is trying to get everything done for Monday, when Carthage School is coming in to see US!!! We made a needs to know list for the presentation for the 23rd.  See you guys later! 



Hello there, Raven here with a new ad! Just follow this link:  


Hello there, Tiarra here working with CowBots Inc.’s daily blog.
          Today we have Matthew and Cody programing the robot. They are working very hard with the robot, going back and forth from the computer to the mat to get the robot working right.
          Shannan is working very hard on the field mat to get it done. She is measuring and seeing where everything is going to be placed.
          Kora, Ashleigh, and Dylan are all working on cows. Ashleigh wrote a list on the white board next to her seat of what they need to build next.   
          Desiray and Secora are making the stallk for the field mat. Wrapping aluminum foil around straws that will soon be glued together.
          Raven is working on glogster. One more fact and he will be done!!!
          Chrystalynn is working on a commercial idea. She also finished a thank you letter to Mr. and Mrs. Oakes.
          Shayla is working on newspaper advertisements. She has to finish three before the end of the day.

          I really enjoy being a part of this corporation. Read again tomorrow.


Hello there, Desiray here, Inventory Specialist of CowBots Inc.
Today in our corporation…

Builders: Ashleigh and Matthew are both working very hard. Ashleigh has been working with the mission mat and the design of the robot. Matthew has been working on programming the robot and a little bit of the layout of the mission mat!!!!!

Researchers: Chrystalynn and Secora are working on the mission mat and have been working on the research of the cows and how we are going to make the field!!!!!!

Researcher working on part of
the field 
Marketing and Media: Shayla and Raven... Shayla has been working on the news article and the field. Raven has been working on Glogster which is a cool website where he is designing an advertisement...
Marketing/Media getting
ready to on Glogster
Accountant: Kora is working on the cows for the field….

Accountant, Marketing/Media, and a
Builder working on the field 
Programmers: Cody and Dylan are working on how the robot is going to move, do its mission, and working on the mission mat….
A Programmer working with a Builder 
Inventory Specialist: Desiray is working on the blog spot….

CFO: Tiarra is working on helping the Inventory Specialist on the blog….

Inventory Specialist and CFO
working on blog 
CEO: Shannan is helping others in the corporation….


Today we started working in our corporations for a longer amount of time due to the fact that deadlines are close by.  As close as the end of this week!!  All corporations are supposed to have their mission mats and fields up, robots built and programmed, ads, commercials, and newspaper articles also need to completed!

Everyone is working like little busy bees.  If you were to come in and visit you would see a conglomeration of tasks going on.  Students working, helping one another, being interviewed by our press, some might be laughing while others are serious, but most of all.......learning while they are having fun!

Cowbots Inc. seem to have it together.  They just need to remember to bring in their materials tomorrow to complete their mission field!!

Where is that robot F.M.T.A.14?

Robot Name - F.M.T.A. 14
Slogan - Now! Now! Now! Let's Change the World with Cows!!!

CowBot Theme Song:


Business Card: 

Slogan: "Now! Now! Now! Let`s change the world with cows!". 

Corporate Employee List
  CEO - Shannan Cree
  CFO - Tiarra Anderson
  Builders - Matt Harvey and Ashleigh Cook
  Programmers - Dylan Fuller and Cody Sisson
  Inventory Specialist - Desiray King
  Marketing/Media - Raven Conners and Shayla Thompson
  Accountant - Kora McDonald
  Research/Development -Secora Oakes and Chrystalynn Jock


  1. Our slogan is "Now! Now! Now! Let`s change the world with cows!". Our robot name is F.M.T.A.14. And our Research/Development crew is Secora Oakes and Chrystalynn Jock.

  2. that's cool but what about something new

  3. your lucky you have a very good media person, Shayla!
