Meets the needs of employees, customers, investors, responsibility to community, and adheres to school policy. Leader effectively communicates  daily objectives for the corporations, oversee finances, make/ approve final decisions, motivates employees, drives tasks for the day, set rules and policies, oversee the implementation of long term and short term plans, spokesperson for the company, ensure the corporation maintains high standards of corporate citizenship and social responsibility, liaison between departments. Weekly report on all departments.

Requirements:  Well spoken, organized, responsible, good citizen, honor roll ( 90) or above , respectful demeanor with peers, motivates, self- driven,  a letter of recommendation from someone outside of the grade six team ( previous teachers, employer, coach, community member)

Today CEOs & CFOs met with Jim King.
Mr. King came here today from Syracuse, NY to meet with our student to discuss the responsibility of being a CEO and running a corporation. He gave insight into how to make a corporation successful.

5/28/14 CEOs begin to prepare their first commercial. Yesterday CEOs worked closely with Marketing/Media Specialists to create a plan of what their commercial should look like. Today CEOs collaborated with their corporations to reherse their commercial. The newsroom scheduled commercial recordings and met the needs of each corporation. Many changes in schedule have occured, but the newsroom and CEOs have worked together to develope a plan.

June 3, 2014 - June 6, 2014
The most important task this week is to support the builders and programmers. Putting drawings to scale to create the mat and robot has been one of the biggest challenges so far.

CEOs  and CFOs have spent time reviewing and reflecting their corporations commercial. Expect to see the latest updated commercials on June 12th.

 CEOs and CFOs have worked with the accountants and the marketing and media departments to create an IPO an Initial Public Offering that will allow their investors to review financial data and learn more about how their corporation will benefit the consumer.

The IPO for each corporation will be available on the 12th as well as the commercial.

The newsroom and the CEOs and CFOs will work closely to complete the corporations commercials. This time they will have logos and hopefully their robots included in their advertisements.

The CEOs and CFOs have also began working collaboratively with the researchers as they are putting together Powerpoint presentations for the final presentations which will take place on the 23rd and 24th of June. 

1 comment:

  1. At first i did not think i would like this job, but know i don't think i would like any other job.
