
A helpful resource that the programmers have been using to help them learn how to program an NXT Lego Robot.


Programmers have been working tiresly to make sure that they know how to move their robots, program using sensors, and programming three engines.  This week they have focused to preparing a draft of their missions. Programmers had to plot out the movements of the robots, the stops, any sensor operations, and any notes specific to what the robot is doing.  They have also been working closely with the builders to make sure that the robots are able to complete their assigned missions.

5/ 29/2014

It's Alive!!!!!

Today was very rewarding experience for the builders and programmers. Today for the first time programmers programmed corporations robots.  The objective for the programmers was to program a movement sequence  so the builders could see their robots move for the first time.  Builders observed how their robot moved forward, backwards, right and left.  Some of the builders and programmers noticed that their robots were having difficulty turning because of the location of sensors, wires, wheels and axles. Students also identified some other problems such as the location of sensors which effected the way the robot was oriented. The students also worked on stabilizing their robots. Students learned that their robots were top heavy and fell over the second the robots started moving.

The students were glad to see their robots coming to life and were happy to see how their robots moved. All of the corporations had to redesign  or modify their designs based on what they learned today.  In the end today was very beneficial to students in the building and programming departments. next week students will begin programming for missions.


Programming with Amanda Clapper From Clarkson University

As part of our partnership with Clarkson University , the programmers invited Robotics coordinator, Amanda Clapper into our classroom to have her see what we have been working on. The programmers showed Amanda the first five moving missions they programmed using rotations.  After we showed her our missions she taught us how to use the four sensors that come with the NXT kit. These sensors were:

Ultra Sonic- Radar
Touch Sensor- Touch
Sound Sensor- Measure Sound
Light Sensor- Distinguishes between light and dark lines.

Amanda then taught the programmers then how to use the four sensors that come with the NXT kit. The students learned how to place programming sensors on the robot.  We learned that the ultra sonic sensor needs to be placed low to the ground. The sound sensor is very sensitive and the touch sensor is the most reliable. We also learned that when when program for sensors we need to have two commands after to make the program run smoothly.
From the Desk of the Director of Programming                                              

Hello Everyone!  What a wonderful week in the programming department. Our department is made up of sixteen dedicated students.  We are learning how to use the NXT Mindstorm Lego Kit this week. Since we are the brains and heartbeat of the robot, we have been focusing in using the brick.  One the day of progrmaming we established our driving question for focus the department.  Our Driving Question is:

How do we as programmers write three different programs for our corporations agbot?

This has been the focus of the group.  On Tuesday we spent the day learning how to work as a team. The students needed to establish work expectations for each other to ensure they were collaborating, being creative, sharing and respecting ideas and accomplishing learning objectives for the day.  The students then typed up a contract. They also learned about the different parts of the NXT brick. See Diagram Below to Learn What We Learned.

On Wednesday, we learned how to program our demo robots to perform a task.  We also learned how to write up mission forms to report on each mission.
Missions Completed Were:
Mission One: Rollin- Robot programmed to travel from one end of the mission table to the other end and stop 1 cm away from the wall.
Mission Two- There and Back Again- Robot was programmed to travel from one end of the mission table tot he other end, tap the wall and roll backwards from one end of the table the other.

All missions required more than one trial and documentation. We are having a blast.

Responsible for programming the robot to complete assigned missions.  Conduct trials daily to test the robots abilities. Write and update, maintain computer programs to accomplish assigned mission.  Consult with builders to clarify program intent. Identify problems and suggest changes. Assist and design the mission mat. Maintain documentation of all trails and changes in programming. Research and become and expert on the Mind storm program.

Requirements: Strong communication skills, team player, interpersonal skills, mechanically minded, patient, creative, open-minded with ideas and others ideas, team player, attentive to details, strong writer and speaker. Computer literate. Precise with measurements and using math to help write programming. ( Must meet deadlines)

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