Berry Bot Corporation

Our All American Berry Bot Corporation

S.T.E.M. Bot


Berry Bot Theme Song:

Robot Name: S.T.E.M. - Strawberry Team Empowering Machine
Crop: Strawberry
Slogan: Let it Grow!
Logo: Strawbot
Missions: Planting seeds, chasing off predators, spreading fertilizer

Employees of Berry Bot Corporation
CEO: Carter Bendict
CFO: Alexander Oakes
Marketing/ Media Specialist: Madison Premo
Accountant: Justice Rockhill
Research & Development: Kennedy Shatraw, Jenna Oakes
Builder: Jude Burk-Johnson, Meg Martin
Programmer: Adam Hubbard, Braydon Bariliko
Inventory Specialist: Cortland Sunday

Today in departments, students worked along side professionals in their fields. Amanda Clapper from Clarkson University joined the builders and programmers as their robots carried out tasks.

Meg Martin and Jude Burk-Johnson

Mr. Healy a Marketing Specialist joined the Marketing/ Media Specialists today. Here he is with Madison Premo our Marketing and Media Specialist.

            Contact us today for more information on our product!
Berry Bot Corporate Business Card:

Our lastest Billboard Advertisement:

Our Mission Statement

Employees work collaboratively from all departments to build a robot and mat to scale.

After a hard weeks work, students enjoy a day out of the office. Students head to Clarkson to take a tour of their Robotics program.

Emplyees come back to work with a new vision. Many ideas about our robot became the center of our discussions once the Berry Bot Corporation viewed the many robotic projects. Students quickly got to work.

 June 5, 2014
Meet S.T.E.M. Bot
The Strawberry Team Empowering Machine
Tomorrow we will program it and see how it works! Stay tuned in! We'll let you know how our first mission goes.

June 6, 2014
Employees of the Berry Bot corporation worked collaboratively to promote an All American Robot to support American Farmers and Gardners.

Our first 13 attempts failed but we continue to keep moving forward. Try.... try again! Students work with Robotics Outreach Mentors to create a robot that will carry out our missions.


  1. I love love love the Berry Bot! Are you telling me I can buy your bot and it will maintain my garden. Fertilize, plant seeds and keep mice away! Where can I get one?

    1. Well thank you very much for your concern but you can not purchase a berry bot Because they are not real and hopefully the will be real in the future.

    2. thank you so much! it really means alot! but unfortionatly you can not purchase a berry bot.

    3. Well thank you very much this is the most nicest thing you can not purchase a berry bot they are not real and but we all pray that it will be real in the future thank you the Berry Bot Corporation

  2. I like your company's name

  3. Thank you very much we as a berry bot corporation came up with it together. Stay posted

  4. Awesome job, guys. I hope you're having fun, working hard and learning a lot. I wish I had this project when I was in sixth grade. It makes learning much more meaningful when you, the students, are in charge. Remember that. I enjoyed working with all of you; you are all awesome kids.

    Take care,
    Mr. Leabo

