
It has been a very busy few weeks!  Most of the builders are close or have their robots completely built and are now working with their corporation's programmers.  They have run several trials on their mission mats in order to make sure that the robot is programmed correctly to complete the tasks it needs to carry out.  Below are all the builders and their Agbots!  I am super proud of all of them for their persistence on building their robot and for their dedication to their corporation! Great job everyone!!

Charlie and Bryce from iCORN Machinery Inc.

Dallas and Lincoln from I.S.S.

Reese and Starr from C.O.R.N.

Cody and Dreyden from Ohses Society

William and Nathan from Roboto Manzana Inc.

Logan and Treyton from Potato Potentials

Meg and Jude from Berry Bot Corporation

Ashleigh and Matt from Cowbots Inc.


Are responsible for designing and constructing the robot.  Must work closely with all departments to communicate abilities of the robot. Must work closely with the inventory specialist to get parts to construct the robot.  Must track the cost weekly of money being spent on the robot. Must keep written records and photographs of each stage of design and construction. Must justify all modifications and additions to the robot. Responsible for ALL parts of the Lego kits. Assist in the design of the mission mat.  Share modifications with programmers. Must maintain a professional working relationship with all departments.  Must be willing to change original design . Must need deadlines!

Requirements:  STRONG design skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, mechanically minded, patient, creative, open-minded with ideas and others ideas, team player, attentive to details, strong writer and speaker.  Must meet deadlines!

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